15° sesión del "Professional and Academic Development Series"
La Coordinación del Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación, énfasis en enseñanza del inglés (ELT emphasis) y el Equipo de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada (EILA) invitan a estudiantes de pre y posgrado, investigadores y docentes a la 15° sesión de la serie de desarrollo profesional y académico (Professional and Academic development Series-PADS).
Título: Reading effectively for researchers
Facilitadores: Dr. Orlando Chaves y Dra. María Eugenia Guapacha
Fecha:17 de diciembre de 2021 Hora: 4:00 p.m.
Resumen: Effective reading strategies are essential for research. In this two-hour workshop, the presenters will provide key strategies to a) find information and reliable sources from academic search engines and databases and b) identify and extract key information from scholarly research effectively. The important moves in the introduction section of research articles are explained since this section provides an overview of the scope and quality of research reports. In addition, some materials about the moves in other research sections will be shared with the audience.