Bilingual Colombia Policy Appropriation in Two Public Schools in Cali
El Énfasis en ELT del Doctorado Interdisciplinario en Educación, el Equipo de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada y la Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje invitan a profesores, investigadores, estudiantes de pre y postgrado a la novena sesión del ciclo de desarrollo profesional y académico (Professional and Academic Development Series) .
Título: Bilingual Colombia Policy Appropriation in Two Public Schools in Cali: A Closer Look at the Research Design and Presentation of Results
Ponente: Dra. Norbella Miranda
Fecha: Viernes 6 de noviembre de 2020. 4:30 pm
Enlace: Resumen: The Bilingual Colombia policy (BCP) has been in place for more than fifteen years now. Much has been said about this mandate among academic circles and several studies have been conducted, probing the interest that educational policies raise in the public sphere and the impact policies have on schools. In this PADS session, the presenter will share her doctoral research project (2018) which delved into how the BCP is lived in the micro context of the day-to-day English class and its connection to broader policy layers. The session will then focus on decisions made about the research design with its various components, as well as on the structure and details of the results section. These two aspects, research design and results, demand not only solid epistemological and theoretical foundation but also creativity and careful attention to methodological rich points.