Key concepts in classroom research
La Coordinación de la Maestría en Estudios Interlingüísticos e Interculturales (EILIC) y el Equipo de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada (EILA) invitan a estudiantes de pre y posgrado, investigadores y docentes al taller Título: Key concepts in classroom research Facilitadora: Dra Yan Yang, Universidad de Auckland
Fecha: 8 de octubre de 2021
Hora: 2:00 p.m.
Resumen: In this workshop, Dr Yang will introduce some key concepts in planning classroom research, including hypothesis, variables, reliability, and validity. Dr Yang will discuss different sorts of threats to a study’s validity and reliability and different types of research designs. This workshop will help you consolidate your understanding of how to ensure quality control in yourresearch and evaluate research designs in the classroom.--
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