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Professional and Academic development Series-PADS

La Coordinación del Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación, énfasis en enseñanza del inglés (ELT emphasis) y el Equipo de Investigación en Lingüística Aplicada (EILA) invitan a estudiantes de pre y posgrado, investigadores y docentes a la 16° sesión de la serie de desarrollo profesional y académico (Professional and Academic development Series-PADS).

Título: Novice and prospective English language Teachers: Narratives of entering the field. Facilitadores: Dr. Diego Fernando Macías y Dr. Wilson Hernández (Universidad Surcolombiana)

Fecha:17 de marzo de 2022 Hora: 4 p.m.

Resumen: This talk highlights the value of teachers' narratives as derived from two research projects which aimed to investigate the phenomena of teacher identity construction and teacher learning in second language teacher education. To make sense of teachers' lives and of the contexts in which they live and teach, gathering and retelling their narratives is of utmost importance for teacher education and development. Enlace:


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